Wednesday, October 30, 2019

5 ways to find appropriate CRM solution for your organisation

A quality CRM is created to efficiently handle data across various customer profiles, while also providing you the courage to relate to each in an organized and professional manner. It is the number one device for the sales team and will facilitate building and sustaining long-term relationships with customers.
It assures higher lead generation, and boost overall sales. When a business does choose to invest in a CRM system, it needs to invest in the right one. It is very crucial to examine that it gives a perfect match with your daily business practices. That's why in this context, we will discuss the 5 ways to examine before investing in the CRM software.

1) Impeccable Approachability and Scalability

Aside from various platform approachability, the top CRM should be cloud-friendly, providing passage anywhere and whenever you want, and less overhead expenses compared to on-premise solutions.
The various famous CRM firms facilitate access to the cloud when needed apart from the phone, desktop, and any smart device. Not only does this improve connectivity and comfort of use, but also performance and productivity; users can then have the liberty to pick the platform which they find most beneficial at any given time. Another thing to consider is scalability; will you be able to simply add users as your organization develops?
Market-leading CRM that is Trident’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers the most relevant features, vital to businesses with multi-platform accessibility.

2) Not Restricted to only Sales

There are several CRM’s in the marketplace, however, the one that is an ideal fit for you is the one that complements how you work. Your team will be benefitted in every step of the sales process through it, from taking a lead to closing a deal.
It should update itself automatically if any changes that may happen in the future through its built-in flexibility. And most importantly, it should not only restricted to sales but also flatter every aspect of the business process like customer accounts, marketing, or customer service.
A strong CRM solution should create solid inbound tactics to transform any leads to potential clients. Connecting smart features and functionality, it will connect several departments, and increase productivity.

3) Customization and Reporting

Departmental procedures of different businesses can vary greatly. Therefore a good CRM should be customizable to match each company’s needs.
Customization right down to the level of every user can be very beneficial for any organization. You do require software that can provide you penetrations into your data through reporting that occurs across the board, enabling you to boost your profitability.

4) Past Record of the Provider

There are a lot of CRM choices obtainable in the market today which makes it difficult to opt for the best. Research and reviews indicate that price can’t be the reliability factor for selecting CRM, then what should be the reliability factor?? The answer is the track record of an organization. Picking a firm with a demonstrated track record vs. a fresher one always serves to benefit by ensuring all your data is secure in the present and the future.

5) Cost of the CRM

Small, and medium-sized firms need to consider the pros and cons of pricing when picking a CRM.
Firms must thoroughly review what features the cost will cover, and what may need additional investment. The budget must take into account training, after-sales service, future upgrades along with the initial payment. Any important integration, customization or any new equipment that may be required, and come with a price tag.
There are many cost-effective CRM solutions accessible to suit every budget need. All you need to do is some research, and look for feedback from the listings, user databases or forums, so you can narrow down the right choice at your given budget. Other options include Trident's Microsoft Dynamics CRM that combine the best for both functionality and pricing.

If you are looking to improve customer satisfaction levels through Microsoft Dynamics CRM? Talk to Trident's CRM experts to know what features you can use according to your organisation (big or small) to make your CRM process more efficient and productive.

Trident's Microsoft Dynamic CRM is a great example of remarkably flexible software that is fairly effortless to use for small and medium businesses, as well as large-scale, multi-stage operations. Aside from customization, it also blends smoothly with third-party products to provide you total command over your sales.

Monday, October 21, 2019

5 Reasons to Need Restaurant Management Software for SMBs

The need for restaurant management technology has been recognized by large and expensive restaurants and their chains as most of them use it.On the other side, as of now, just 9 percent of the small restaurants, bars and food trucks use it. They don't think investing in restaurant management software is worthwhile enough. Therefore they are using manual methods like spreadsheets and paper and not utilizing their time efficiently.
So they should realize how important it is because it can help you save time, money and do more with your restaurant. There are a couple of reasons to consider here.

1. Simplify Inventory Management
Inventory management is a tough task especially for most SMBs as they are doing it manually. By replacing their manual methods with automated Restaurant management system will help them to track the amount of stock they have, what is it costing them? , and when they need more stock automatically.
Integration of POS system and restaurant management software helps in real-time inventory management as every time you input order on POS, the purchased inventory is deducted from the existing inventory. You can understand now why inventory management is so simple by using restaurant management software as if you do it manually then it will become a headache.
2. Reduce Human Error in Restaurant Supply order
It can possibly lead to human error to fill out paper order forms and fax them to your suppliers. For instance 9 items on the form can be misunderstood as 90 items and you'll get 90 items instead of 9 that will result in loss.
Restaurant management system streamlines the connection between the restaurant and the supplier. As it is a fully automated system, the chances of error are reduced and you can even track the status of your order.

3. Simplify Accounting
If your restaurant has a box full of invoices and receipts, you’re going to admire how restaurant management system performs. Rather than having to cling on to every piece of paper you get, you just need to click a photo of the invoice and it’s automatically uploaded to your digital filing cabinet through the software. It is filed into your accounting system, where you can pay the invoice before it is due.

4. Gain an Insight into Food Cost
Profit perimeters can be small when it comes to the restaurant industry, so you must know each ingredient’s cost, as well as the overall cost of a dish that you serve.
A restaurant management system makes reports of the cost of the dishes which you can view at any time. If the cost of onion has risen, thus cutting into your profit margin, so you can decide: do you raise the price for that item or reduce the quantity of that particular ingredient? Staying on top of these expenses helps you keep costs down. 

5. Simplify Monitoring 
If you carry multiple locations of your restaurant, using a restaurant management system will help you to access data for each location which is helpful and time saving as compared to separate system for each location.
You can handle inventory across all locations and place orders with suppliers in bulk to get profit. You can also view menu items which are most successful at each location so that you can deliver what your customers want.

A restaurant management system integrates inventory, sales, ordering, and accounting and makes it easier to do your job well. Every SMBs must realize that and should opt for it as it is worth every penny they'll spend.
If you are looking for a restaurant management software to simplify your operations and to make a system which is more efficient then you can contact Microsoft Gold Partner Trident .Trident's LS Nav solutions provide all the tools your restaurant chain needs to succeed, from front to back of house : the system includes kitchen and restaurant management functions, powerful POS terminals and superior tools for enterprise resource planning.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The competition in
retail is at an immense level. Satisfying the customer is no longer a piece of cake. They have infinite choices at their fingertips and also have a voice. In this era of the customer – where technology has transformed the way of how we engage, connect and interact with one another, it has become very important for organizations to monitor the customer's demands to render great experiences and build long-lasting relationships with them.
In spite of this, many retailers are not accepting the fact of changing the way of doing business. They need to realize that they have to change as customers won't change for them. If they don’t, they will soon be seen as irrelevant or “boring” – labels that can be the death knell for any retail business.
So how to engage a technologically-savvy and selective customer? How can a retailer differentiate themselves from the competition, and deliver the extraordinary experiences that customers seek?
There is only one answer to all the question and that is Digital Transformation.
We got the answer to what is the solution for retailers and that is digital transformation but we should also know the answer to how you should digitally transform your business? , which we will discuss in below context

Technologies Leading Digital Transformation in Retail

Here are technologies that can keep retailers alive and well, if they remember to keep customer a top priority:

Omni channel retailing is a fully-integrated approach to commerce, providing shoppers a unified experience across all channels or touch points. It doesn’t require you to be everywhere, just everywhere your customers are. True Omni channel shopping goes beyond brick-and-mortar locations to mobile-browsing, online marketplaces, social media, and wherever your users browse online through retargeting ads. Nearly 75% of shoppers say they use multiple channels to compare prices, hunt for discounts, or use in-store tablets to shop online.
Various Researches suggests an Omni channel approach results in:
  • A 9.5% year-over-year increase in annual revenue
  • A 7.5% year-over-year decrease in cost per customer contact
  • An 89% customer retention rate vs. 33% for companies with weak Omni channel customer engagement
Therefore retailers must realize that this distinction is what separates their enterprises from the rest. 

2) IoT

Bringing innovative business models, smart shelves have already started working their way into the retail industry. Being placed on the goods, RFID tags have an integrated circuit and a microchip antenna that transmits data to the RFID reader. Information is collected from the RFID tags and sent to an IoT platform, where it’s stored and analysed. By monitoring inventory and transmitting data about items movements and whereabouts to an IoT platform, the system can provide retailers with information about customer needs and preferences, showing them ways to improve their services, increase customer interactions, and boost sales.
Researches on IoT shows that:

  • 77 percent of retailers believe that IoT solutions help improve customer experience.
  • 89 percent of early-movers in the retail report that IoT enables us to gain increased insights into customer preferences.

Most of the Retailers find it costly but they should realize that the ROI of IoT is great and above facts are proving it right.

3) POS

Electronic POS software systems streamline retail operations by automating the transaction process and tracking important sales data. Basic systems include an electronic cash register and software to coordinate data collected from daily purchases. Retailers can increase functionality by installing a network of data-capture devices, including card readers and barcode scanners.

Depending on the software features, retailers can track pricing accuracy, inventory changes, gross revenue, and sales patterns. Using integrated technology to track data helps retailers catch discrepancies in pricing or cash flow that could lead to profit loss or interrupt sales. POS systems that monitor inventory and buying trends can help retailers avoid customer service issues, such as out-of-stock sales, and tailor purchasing and marketing to consumer behaviour.

The good news is that it looks as though many players in the retail industry have already recognized the importance of POS. A survey by Alteryx and RetailWire of nearly 350 retailers, found that 81% of respondents say it is more than just ringing up sales, it also gathers important metrics such as planning your stocks, forecasting, sales trends, and more.


Mobile is transforming the way we shop and how retailers run their businesses. Its features are the same as POS but still, you need it as it gives retailers the flexibility to be able to add extra checkouts rapidly at a busy time and when queues start to lengthen as you don't want the customer to wait in long queues.

If you want to be an ace in this competitive retail environment you must digitally transform your business. Digital Transformation of retail business is not a choice, it is a need.
If you want a complete digital transformation of your retail business then you can blindly trust Microsoft gold partner Trident Information Pvt. Ltd. as its LS retail solutions is all in one solution for digital transformation.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Future-Proof Your Business with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Unify CRM and ERP capabilities and break down data silos with Dynamics 365—modern, intelligent cloud applications that help move your business forward. It integrates every business process, turns real-time data into actions, and increases employee productivity—with the security you expect from Microsoft —enabling you to innovate, transform and run ahead.

What is Microsoft Dynamics 365?
It is an end-to-end intelligent business applications in the cloud. Microsoft Dynamics 365 combines ERP, CRM and BI in a single platform and includes new, seamlessly integrated special applications that help you better manage your processes more effectively across your entire company. Integrating business apps, Office 365, Power BI, Cortana and IoT services opens up new opportunities for you to further increase your company’s productivity.

Start with what you need:
Start with the right fit for your business & grow at your own pace in the cloud
Productivity where you need it:
Empower employees with productivity tools surfaced in context of processes
Intelligence built in:
Guide employees to optimal outcomes with intelligence embedded in processes
Ready for growth:
Stay nimble and adapt in real time with flexible extensible applications & platform

Dynamics 365 is fully integrated into the Microsoft product family. As a result, the solution provides you with an extensive selection of productivity solutions. Furthermore, your employees are familiar with the new tools from day one, since they are already familiar with the user interface as well as its consistent look and feel.
Office 365 offers effective collaboration tools such as Outlook, SharePoint, Exchange and Skype. Power BI provides a self-service infrastructure for your entire organisation and can be seamlessly integrated into all parts of Dynamics 365.
Power Apps easily lets you create tailor-made apps for iPhone and Android devices yourself. The powerful cloud infrastructure surrounding Cortana and Azure provides you with all the machine learning and IoT tools your company needs for making a successful entry into Industry 4.0.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Gain the Flexibility you Need to Sharpen your Edge!

New solutions based on cloud, mobility, social media and analytics provide the means to keep shoppers loyal. Our solutions deliver the flexibility needed to implement new business models; expand private labels; engage shoppers online; and better manage transportation and delivery.

LS Retail is an end-to-end retail POS solution for stores or chain of retails, which is powered by Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This integrated solution delivers completed and innovative functionalities to the busiest retailer without the need to build, manage and maintain multiple applications and interfaces. Its unique use of single application covers your whole retail business from the Point of Sale (POS) terminals to headquarter.

The powerful functions including store management, inventory, merchandising, demand planning and all the back office functions that you would expect to find at head office are available in LS Retail.